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Artisan's Son - Australian Premium Wax Based Products

Founded in 1986, Artisan's Son was created by professional artisans/craftsmen for those wanting products free of chemicals and a genuine alternative to cheap and nasty hardware store products. 

Today, Artisan's Son creates some of the best products available on the market, including the A.S. Fabric Wax and Wax Based Leather Conditioner. In addition to these market leading products, A.S. also stocks market unique products such as the A.S. Metal and Wood Conditioners, both of which are made using food grade waxes. 

The products and the processes of making the products are time honored. With all of the products being made by hand to ensure that the customer is getting the very best. "Machines simply can not replace the generation knowledge of carefully timed and cooled waxes" - J. Wyett, owner of Artisan's Son explains whilst stirring a vat of steaming golden liquid. 

The products are also used by many high profile artists across Australia, including Barry Gardner, Barossa’s most renown and acclaimed knife maker & Sebastian, Hahndorf's famous leather smith. With such passion and history to its products, the range continues to grow, yet stay loyal to its vision of products that are tried, tested and used by the very artisans that create them.

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